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Category Date Replies
Where's Father Christmas?
Do you need to know when Father Christmas is due to deliver the presents to your house? If so this web site tracks Fa...
13 Dec 2017 0
Planning you next holiday
Do you often find that when you visit somewhere new, you often do not know what there is to see or do? If so, this we...
06 Nov 2017 0
Geneaolgy Research
When you are tracing your family tree, or you just curious about your ancestors, this site will allow you to look thr...
19 Oct 2017 0
The future for mobile phones?
You know that feeling when you have a mobile phone and the battery has nearly run out. Amazon have the answer. Their ...
Chris R Anthony
02 Sep 2017 0
Payment changes for the future.
With the way we are going towards a cashless society I can see us paying with our eyes recognition in the future. Ca...
30 Jun 2017 1
Facebook without tears?
When Highway did a survey of its members in July 2016, 27% used Facebook and only 11% used WhatsApp. Recent resear...
16 Jun 2017 0
Important major update to Windows 10
Microsoft's latest major update to Windows 10 is now being 'pushed' to computers. In the Learning & S...
30 May 2017 4
Printer On Rent
Ohh... You have to opportunity for saving your money and get printers on rent with Power Point Cartridges...!! Vis...
30 May 2017 0
Windows 10 major update coming
Over the next few weeks, Microsoft are releasing what is sometimes called a Feature Update.  This means that it ...
07 Apr 2017 0
How to set up power of attorney
It’s not easy to think about a time when you won’t be able to make your own decisions, but it can help to...
11 Mar 2017 0
You've seen the program Midsomer Murder, now visit the sites where it was filmed
I suspect that a number of you have watched Midsomer Murder and seen all the locations that were used in the filming....
06 Mar 2017 0
Windows 10 Creators Edition
After a year of extensive development and testing, Microsoft have decided to launch the next iteration of Windows 10 ...
26 Feb 2017 2
Cheap rail fares
If you can spare the time and effort it is worthwhile looking at splitting your rail journey up to get a better deal....
20 Feb 2017 0
Support across the world!
Last Friday Steve was able to assist two of our members who are staying in Australia for a few months.  They had...
13 Feb 2017 0
anne luckett
I have been making a family tree for some years on ancestry, I would like to put my work onto my computer. would a f...
10 Feb 2017 2
New Microsoft paint app.
In the next major update to Windows 10, due in April, Microsoft have added a new Paint app. Not only can you paint in...
Chris R Anthony
01 Feb 2017 0
See how often travel companies apologise!
You are standing at the station waiting for the train, when there is an announcement about the train you are wai...
10 Jan 2017 0
Everest - The Easy Way!
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to climb Mount Everest? Now you can through this web site http://www.exp...
28 Dec 2016 0
Online shopping tricks that could save you money
For those who shop on line have a look at these tips before embarking on your next spree, to help you save ...
22 Dec 2016 0
Those with a btinternet.com email should read this
As a result of the massive Yahoo hack (see our Forum Item on 16th December), btinternet.com customers have been asked...
21 Dec 2016 0
Does this technology mean passwords will be a thing of the past?
Biometric technology is now being used in many areas, including to protect our online identity.  It is pred...
17 Dec 2016 0
Simple shopping mistakes to avoid whilst paying
Have a look at the following link reference simple mistakes made whilst paying (courtesy of LoveMoney) : Shopping ...
16 Dec 2016 0
Problems with connecting to the Internet
Over the past few months, many of us may have occasionally experienced being unable to connect to the Internet w...
14 Dec 2016 4
Shoplifting? No, just the 'next big thing'
Watch this video to glimpse how Amazon see the future of shopping!
06 Dec 2016 1
Email Scams.
I have received an "authentic" looking e-mail from a firm I last used 2 years ago informing me that my bill of £204.9...
02 Dec 2016 0

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