The Highway Forum is now officially live
All Highway Members are automatically registered as 'Forum Users'.
This means that not only can you view Items in the Forum, but reply to them, post Items yourself of interest to others and use the 'Ask us Anything' section.
If you get the chance, join the live Online Learning session on Tuesday 10 May or Monday 23 May between 10:00 and 11:30am. Just use the TeamViewer Meeting ID number m03-307-238
See and hear from you online?
Phil on 9/5/16
Eddie on 10/5/16
I was with you, interesting.
Chris R Anthony on 10/5/16
Keep posting items and I will keep passing on my thoughts! You might not understand them!!
You must be logged in and approved as a forum user to discuss.
The Highway Forum is a place where you can find out what is happening in the world of technology and Highway itself...
How to use the Forum
Forum Guidelines
Ask us anything?
Registered users only…. type your question here and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible...