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Why the Aspect of Unyielding Hits is Essential for Spiritborn Builds in u4gm

For players looking to maximize their Spiritborn build's potential in Diablo 4, Legendary Aspects are a key part of the equation. One such Aspect, the Aspect of Unyielding Hits, stands out as one of the most potent damage-enhancing options available. When you cast a Gorilla Skill, the Aspect of Unyielding Hits adds a percentage of your Armor to your weapon damage, boosting it by as much as 1,500. This effect lasts for three seconds, providing a significant increase in damage during that time. While the duration may seem short, selecting the Gorilla Spirit Hall will allow you to keep this bonus active permanently by turning all of your skills into Gorilla skills. This makes the Aspect of Unyielding Hits a versatile and powerful choice for any Spiritborn build. Whether you're crafting a tanky character or one focused on offense, this Aspect delivers massive weapon damage and helps you maximize your combat efficiency. If you're serious about creating a strong and balanced Spiritborn build, the Aspect of Unyielding Hits is definitely worth considering in Diablo 4.The more information about Diablo 4, please follow www.u4gm.com.

Tony on 10/1/25
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