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The Best Legendary Aspects for Spiritborn Builds in Diablo 4 u4gm

Diablo 4 offers a wide array of Legendary Aspects to enhance your Spiritborn character’s abilities, providing flexibility and customization for different playstyles. Among the most powerful options is the Aspect of Unyielding Hits, a fantastic damage-boosting choice for any Spiritborn build. The Aspect of Unyielding Hits grants a huge damage increase by adding a percentage of your Armor to all attacks for three seconds whenever you cast a Gorilla Skill. This can increase your Weapon Damage by up to 1,500, making it one of the highest single Aspect boosts available. Although the effect lasts for just three seconds, pairing it with the Gorilla Spirit Hall choice allows you to keep the bonus active permanently, as it transforms all your skills into Gorilla skills. This makes the Aspect of Unyielding Hits an essential pick for maximizing damage output in any Spiritborn build. This Legendary Aspect works well with a variety of playstyles, whether you’re focusing on tanky durability or offensive damage. With its universal usefulness, the Aspect of Unyielding Hits can elevate your Spiritborn’s performance in combat, making it a must-have for any serious Diablo 4 player looking to optimize their character. For more Diablo 4 Items, be sure to check out https://www.u4gm.com/diablo-4-items

Tony on 10/1/25
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