U4GM: Will Diablo 4 Feature the Secret Cow Level?
The iconic Secret Cow Level has been a staple in Diablo games, most notably in Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. However, in Diablo 4, fans have yet to find the legendary level filled with murderous Hell Bovines wielding halberds. Although there is no Cow Level in the game at launch, there are some interesting hints that it may be added in future updates. Rod Fergusson, Diablo 4’s general manager, has stated that the game aims for a darker, more grounded tone and, for that reason, there won’t be a Cow Level. Despite this, Diablo 4 contains references to past games, such as items like the “Bloody Wooden Shard” and “Musty Tome,” which are reminiscent of those used to unlock the Cow Level in Diablo 2. While it’s not available yet, the game’s developers have hinted that certain cow-related items might become important later. It’s possible that the beloved Secret Cow Level could appear as part of a DLC or seasonal content, much like it did in Diablo 3. Follow u4gm.com
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