The Future of Computer Security
Keep an eye on this area, the Highway "Geek" will be keeping you up to date with all things related to security on your computer, tablet or mobile phone.
Chris R Anthony on 23/3/16
Chris R Anthony on 28/3/16
A new phenomona has been recently discovered on the Internet. This is something called Typosquatting!! Not something you may have heard of, but is probably something that you have done!! How you may ask? Consider the following websites - and Both look similar. Have you spotted the missing character in the second? This simple mistake will take you to another website which might look and feel just like the Microsoft website. However the functionality built into the "fake" web site is designed to try and persuade you to do something to compromise either you or the security on your computer. Recently a site using bitcoins, BlockChain, fell foul of this. If a user type, instead of they were taken to a web site that looked very similar to the real web site. BitCoin claimed that they had lost several thousands of BitCoins due to this scam.
So the message is simple, be careful and check when you type a web address. Or use a search engine to find the one you are looking for.
So the message is simple, be careful and check when you type a web address. Or use a search engine to find the one you are looking for.
Chris R Anthony on 16/5/16
Google have announced that Google Chrome, the web browser, will no longer be supported on systems running Windows XP or Windows Vista. This means that this browser will no longer recieve new features and security updates if you are running these old operating systems. Without these regular security fixes and security updates it is possible that your system will become more attractive to potential hackers
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