£1,970 for charity raised by Highway members and supporters
Members and supporters Highway have raised £1,970 towards a 95-mile sponsored "push bike ride" from St Thomas’ hospital to the QEQM in Margate in aid of the East Kent Hospitals Charity
Tom Birch and Karl Taylor took on the gruelling task and with the help of Highway members the total amount raised is now approaching £3,000. In the photo (click below to view it) from left to right: Karl Taylor, Dan Friend, Phil Birch and Tom Birch.
Thank you to all Highway members across Kent who made their fantastic contributions!
East Kent Hospitals Charity helps hospitals in East Kent to help fund much needed equipment and facilities and provide a brighter and happier environment for patients whilst they are undergoing treatment.
Next year for our annual fundraiser, we'll be looking at Cancer charities.
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