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First regular commercial drone delivery service?

In Rwanda a company is now delivering drugs and blood using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) known more commonly as 'drones'.

The commercial service claims that it costs about the same as to send packages by road, but it takes it much less time to make drop-offs to remote areas of the country.

Amazon has been trialling its drone delivery service in collaboration with the UK Government in Cambridgeshire since July this year and recent opened the doors to its Prime Air drone lab in Cambridge.

Phil on 19/10/16
Chris R Anthony on 19/10/16
Mission Aviation Fellowship has also been investigating delivering supplies by drone to remote areas in the African continent. In the UK the NHS and St Johns Ambulance are looking at the possibility of delivering a defibrillator to congested areas where the traditional ambulance service cannot get to a patient quickly enough to administer first aid.
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