Some facts about Facebook (2016)
I'm in the process of rewriting the document "Facebook, Love it or hate it" and came across these facts.
- Worldwide, there are over 1.7 billion monthly active users. This represents a 15% increase on the previous year
- On an average day, 4.5 billion “likes” are generated by Facebook users. This is a 67% increase from the previous three years
- 1.2 billion people use Facebook on a daily basis. This is a 17% increase over the previous year
- 1.6 billion people use Facebook on mobile devices
- Facebook is not just an American phenomena. In Europe there are 307 million active users of Facebook
- 30% of active Facebook users fall into the 25 – 34 age range
- Every second, five new profiles (user accounts) are created
- Currently the demographic of Facebook user is predominantly female (34% male, 66% female)
- The highest traffic occurs mid-week between 13:00 and 15:00hrs
- On Thursday and Fridays the use increase by 18% over the rest of the week
- Currently, it is estimated that there are approximately 80 million fake profiles within Facebook. These profiles are often created for testing purposes
- 300 million photographs are uploaded to Facebook everyday
- Most people spend, on average, 20 minutes during their visit to Facebook
- During a minute on Facebook, 510 comments are posted, 290,000 statuses (user accounts) updated and 136,000 phots are uploaded
- Nearly 5 billion pieces of content are shared daily
- 50% of 18-24 year olds use Facebook as soon as they wake up
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