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Delaying W10 upgrade

Steve Whitmore has just posted this:

Right-click on the Windows 10 icon in the notification area.

If you have a reservation, the option to “Check your upgrade status” will be present. Click on that.

This will display the “All done for now” status page.

Click on the menu

And a drop down menu will appear.

Click on “View confirmation”.

The application will tell that you your upgrade is reserved.

You’ll also notice a “Cancel reservation” link.  Click on that.

Click on the “Cancel reservation” button.

For some reason my machine then asked me to “Please wait” for quite some time.

Eventually, the cancellation is confirmed.

Phil on 8/3/16
Fern from Highway on 23/3/16
Chris has just e-mailed me to say that Microsoft now have Windows 10 Upgrade as an automatic update.
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