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Windows 10 Anniversary Update

Anytime after 2 August all Windows 10 computers will have available an 'Anniversary Update', just over a year after the launch of Microsoft's operating system.  This will probably take a lot longer than the usual Windows Updates that install when you close down and start up your computer.  So be patient; don't switch off of close down whilst this larger than usual update is installing.

There are promises of improvements to Cortana (Microsoft's digital assistant that Highway has ignored initially because of issues) and several other features that most Highway members will not use (such as Xbox gaming additions).

There is, however, something that introduces the possible shape of things to come in terms of security. Windows Hello introduces biometrics to your computer, which can be fingerprint (if your computer has a fingerprint reader), face or iris recognition. In the Microsoft Edge browser it may open up the possibility of using one of these three biometrics instead of having to enter passwords.  Let's not get too excited though; these innovations can take a while to bed in!  However, biometric security is something that is rapidly increasing in many areas.


Phil on 29/7/16
Chris R Anthony on 29/7/16
There are some changes that most users will see as soon as the Anniversary Edition is installed. The Start button menu has changed. For example whereas before you had to click on "All Apps" to see what was installed on the computer, you now see all the apps displayed in alphabetical order. Also the Power, Settings and other icons now no longer have any text. Instead they are just an icon which displays what they do when you move your mouse over them.

Chris on 2/8/16
As Microsoft are saying, "Happy Birthday"! Windows 10 is now a year old. The anticipated update will be available today, August 2nd from about 10:00hrs local time. It is expected that the initial response will be high and therefore may be slow to download. As Phil said "be patient".

Chris R Anthony on 12/8/16
No sooner have we started to install and configure Windows 10 Anniversary Edition, the Microsoft Insiders have just been handed the next version to start looking at!! The new edition Redmond Two is expected to be available sometime next year.

Sandra on 24/8/16
We are now into the fourth iteration of the new software!! No sooner do we test the latest, another is waiting in the wings. The latest version has even managed to cut out the power button!!!

Chris on 16/9/16
We are now into yet another round of testing. More updates keep coming. Nothing of major importance, yet. Most of the developments are for the Microsoft Phone
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